
Monday, August 12, 2013

Turkey Fried Rice

Soooooooooooooo, I made turkey fried rice bc we had left over ground turkey sitting in the fridge. Now, normally, I'd just throw things together without measuring or a recipe, however, just once, I thought I'd try out a recipe Turkey Fried Rice and see how it turns out.

In place of peas and snow peas, I used fresh homegrown green beans we received from the Portingas. They are gorgeous, aren't they??? I used 1.5 cups of these fresh green beans and boiled them in water for 10 minutes.

Meanwhile, I cooked up 1lb ground turkey with 1tsp Penzeys' Pork Chop seasoning, which included garlic and ginger. Then, I cooked half a white onion (in place of the scallions) until it was nicely browned.

1 cup sliced carrots and 1.5 cups boiled green beans

Then back into the pan for the ground turkey, onion, green beans, carrots and rice. I actually used less rice than was called for bc I don't like an excessive amount of rice in my fried rice. Once everything was mixed together, I added the 2 tbs hoison sauce and 2 tbs rice wine (no rice vinegar in this house).

At the end, I decided to add eggs bc for us, fried rice ain't fried rice without scrambled eggs. In fact, that's the best part!!!! So, being lazy, I just pushed everything aside and scrambled up three eggs in the space shown. heh.

And voila, turkey fried rice. It's not my fav but it was good enough. I still think the best fried rice is made with spam, eggs, peas n onions.

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