
Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thanksgiving Dinner

We were in SJ for Thanksgiving this year and there was SO MUCH fooooooood!!! I swear, there was cooking for a hundred plus people and it seemed like there were only twenty to thirty people total... Needless to say, there was so much food to be thankful for! :D Here are lots of pictures that didn't include desserts...
Curry rice samosas with coconut sauce
Spaghetti noodles a la squash
Roasted Veggies
Cold ham slices with maraschino cherries and canned pineapples
One of the TWO turkeys that were there, both were greater than 10 lbs -_-
Corn Salsa
Cheesy mac
Mashed potatoes topped with a layer of melted cheddar cheese

Brussel sprouts, bell peppers, carrots and string beans
More mashed potatoes w/ gravy
Roast beef done perfectly!
Garlic Mushroom Bread
Still not quite everything... But I sure was thankful for all the foodies that were there for me to eat and not lift a finger.... Thank you Charles' cousins!! :D

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